Outdoor conferences

Unforgettable meetings!

Book a day or more for your company, where you together create new ideas and memories.


Unique conferences


Hiking, biking, kayaking or a mix. 

Choose from the packages we have, but can also be adapted to your wishes and needs. We like to spice up the adventure with experiences, like seal safaris, wine tasting, beer tasting, lobster fishing, museum visits, jet skis.

Food is the heart for us when we package your conference days. The experience around the food is incredibly important to us as well. 

It can be in a forest where we jointly prepare the meal after a hiking trip or grill the stick bread for coffee, on a cliff where we enjoy fresh seafood or receive the prawns when they enter the harbor. The experience makes it taste a little better.

Talking and being active at the same time is a cruel combination that more people should try, never have the topics of conversation and ideas flourished as during a hiking trip in nature.

It also contributes to a sense of community and new energy, which you then hopefully bring back to work.

Please contact us and we will help you with the booking

Call +46704945696 or email contact@swedenwestcoastexperiences.se

Three-course in the woods

Mushroom safari – with two-courses

Order a rich autumn stew out in the woods, cooked over the open fire!

We come to you with the food. Do you want to be involved in cooking or should it be ready when you arrive?450 sek p/personSend a request.

Your own food experience

Are you a group of colleagues or friends who wants to go out and cook food in the woods and have a wonderful experience together?

Get in touch and we will find a day and concept that suits you!


Your email?

Your question?

we will respond as soon as possible